Careers page

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Making shopping easier. faster. frictionless.

We need your help to create a world where shopping experiences are as fast as shoppers want them. Shops are always open and where queues don’t exist. We are always looking for great talent to enrich our team. So join us! See if you fit any of our open job positions. is driven by shopper-focus. This requires great talented individuals that work better as a team, develop better as a team, and change the Shopping World as a team. We cherish the difference and know it makes us stronger as a team, where we support each other to offer better shopping experiences throughout the world.

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Grow with us as we transform the shopping world

Disrupt Retail

We are focused on providing the fastest and easiest Shopping Experiences, through the use of AI, technology and user focus.

We offer each person the tools, mindset and fast thinking-to-action environment to achieve that goal.

Share a Good Laugh

We believe in caring for each other and providing the right work balance and health tools to each individual (both physical and mental). We love the sound of positive laughter in our office - it means people are having fun as a team!

Space and Facilities

Our Mindset is Global but our Heart comes from Porto, Portugal. Join us at our office right downtown in one of the most exciting and vibrant cities in Europe, where Sea, River and Granite combine to create a unique and creative atmosphere

Diversity @ Heart

Great ideas and executions come from different people, who think differently, are different and work and achieve together. We aim for diverse teams and cherish the differences. We want special people - and that might mean you!

Career Progression

Developing great products and solutions doesn't happen by itself. We are 100% committed to supporting each person's path, to help them achieve their goals and grow as persons. We got your back!

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Be ready to...

– Disrupt retail
– Innovate AI
– Grow personally
– Share a good laugh

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